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Verteco Ltd. Moscow/ Russia In a galaxy not far away
Project name
1050 sqm
November 2019
In a galaxy not far away
Concept & Design
Vladimir Ermolov
Verteco Ltd. Moscow/ Russia


ILLUZIA is an innovative air supported structure for the event market. Its futuristic shape turns this sphere into an eye-catcher.

The ventilation always works inside
the ILLUZIA, that’s why the air is
constantly fresh. There is no greenhouse effect because of the special
floor blocking any ground vapours.

ILLUZIA can be designed into
almost any shapes and sizes. It is
manufactured for direct use at the
location. It is easy to load, to transport and to install in any place of
the world with minimal efforts – not
using foundation and any compli-
cated mechanisms.

Currently ILLUZIA is one of the fastest objects for events to build up.
Just one hour to get seven hundred
square meters of cool space, protected from wind, snow and rainfall.


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