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  • International Cricket Stadium

    The stadium… …is a 50,000-seater international cricket stadium in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. The structure is the third-largest international cricket stadium in India and was financed by a public/private partnership. The Lucknow Cricket Stadium… …was completed by Akhilesh Yadav, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh at the…

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  • Kostarmar Beach Resort

    Diu in the district of Daman has a coastline spanning 21 kilometres. It was one of the first places in India where the Portuguese landed in the 15th century. The Portuguese colonial style is still visible today. One of the most beautiful beaches in India…

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  • Sunshine Coast Airport

    To maintain shade… …underneath the canopy for cars, the airport Queensland decided to have these membrane roofs built. They are more than just a good looking decoration for the car park of the airport. The VALMEX® FR 700 MEHATOP F‘s white colour shines already from…

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